Early experimentation : Blade of grass
Early experimentation : Blade 2.5D and Blade 3D
Interconnection - Imteractive screen and projection mapped animation
One - Interactive Sculpture and animated film
One - Interactive Sculpture and animated film
Time - Interactive Screen, projection mapping and animated film
Time - Interactive Screen, projection mapping and animated film
Immersive - Interactive Studies
Immersive - Interactive Process
Two paths - Image of field construction
Error Film
Glitch - CGI experiments - Back face culling capture
Helix - CGI Animated film and app prototype
Mind Series: Connection
Pandemic Series : Breathe
War and Conflict Series : The Ruler
War and Conflict Series : War Table
Virtual Forest
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What does it mean to be a woman, living in a technologically advancing, ecologically uncertain, conflicted world?

“I make art as it’s the only way I can make sense of any of it”
