Remote studio

I have taken some nice shots of my remote working set-up.. anyone who knows me well will know I’ve tidied up!

I have added a remote studio page to both my websites and I’ve added a note onto my CV which states that I am ‘Fully equipped for Remote working”…. it seemed important 🙂


I made a point of representing all of the software I have licences to and can use efficiently. 

I’ve also added links to my email and social media. I still need to add an abbreviated CV to my linked in account as this details my references and training record. 
I have finally decided on a simple, understated and elegant brand that converges paper cut, digital and hand drawn aesthetics in a personal style. I’ve carried this over into my websites and CV and I’m working on my social media channels at the moment. 
Next Steps: 
🔲 Add final fixes to Lunarium App. 
🔲 Upload files to google drive. 
🔲 submit links to Canvas to submit MA. 
I can continue to improve app and conduct user testing until final submission at the end of April. I just wanted to make sure I’d submitted something for examination as I’ve been quite ill for the last week and was uncertain about what might happen in the family regarding children, older relatives and Andys job (NHS). I’ve also volunteered to do some work in the community so I’m trying to organise things in advance of anything unexpected happening (go agile!)… 

Remote studio

I have taken some nice shots of my remote working set-up.. anyone who knows me well will know I’ve tidied up!

I have added a remote studio page to both my websites and I’ve added a note onto my CV which states that I am ‘Fully equipped for Remote working”…. it seemed important 🙂


I made a point of representing all of the software I have licences to and can use efficiently. 

I’ve also added links to my email and social media. I still need to add an abbreviated CV to my linked in account as this details my references and training record. 
I have finally decided on a simple, understated and elegant brand that converges paper cut, digital and hand drawn aesthetics in a personal style. I’ve carried this over into my websites and CV and I’m working on my social media channels at the moment. 
Next Steps: 
🔲 Add final fixes to Lunarium App. 
🔲 Upload files to google drive. 
🔲 submit links to Canvas to submit MA. 
I can continue to improve app and conduct user testing until final submission at the end of April. I just wanted to make sure I’d submitted something for examination as I’ve been quite ill for the last week and was uncertain about what might happen in the family regarding children, older relatives and Andys job (NHS). I’ve also volunteered to do some work in the community so I’m trying to organise things in advance of anything unexpected happening (go agile!)… 

Project update

Great! I’m developing a cough! Deep Joy… 

I have the following tasks to complete 

🔲 Needs a Lunarium Logo Temp Fix to test – needs editing in photoshop. 

🔲Player Controller – just needs speed adjusting which is simple. 

🔲 The Danse Macabre music needs to trigger when the skeleton plays.

🔲 The player should be able to collect silver coins as they go around the Lunarium world. I need to create a coin and a coin counter that is not too invasive (doesn’t break the 4th wall).

🔲 poem pieces and arrows are required on the labyrinth walls

🔲 add laughter track to labyrinth skeleton. 

🔲  The ringmaster is backface culling and needs fixing.

🔲   Populate these fairground arena. 

🔲   Populate the top tent with a cheering crowd. 

🔲  The main tent needs a cutscene to create a reward half way through the experience.

🔲  The drop through the hole is very quick – what can be done about this? Cut scene, gravity change…

🔲   Ease spiral 

🔲  add low poly paper night garden flowers 

🔲  The player should be able to pay the mystic the silver coins to escape – how will this work? 

Next Steps 

🔲 Fix essential issues. 
🔲 Design consent form. 
🔲 Design user questionnaire.  

Project update

Great! I’m developing a cough! Deep Joy… 

I have the following tasks to complete 

🔲 Needs a Lunarium Logo Temp Fix to test – needs editing in photoshop. 

🔲Player Controller – just needs speed adjusting which is simple. 

🔲 The Danse Macabre music needs to trigger when the skeleton plays.

🔲 The player should be able to collect silver coins as they go around the Lunarium world. I need to create a coin and a coin counter that is not too invasive (doesn’t break the 4th wall).

🔲 poem pieces and arrows are required on the labyrinth walls

🔲 add laughter track to labyrinth skeleton. 

🔲  The ringmaster is backface culling and needs fixing.

🔲   Populate these fairground arena. 

🔲   Populate the top tent with a cheering crowd. 

🔲  The main tent needs a cutscene to create a reward half way through the experience.

🔲  The drop through the hole is very quick – what can be done about this? Cut scene, gravity change…

🔲   Ease spiral 

🔲  add low poly paper night garden flowers 

🔲  The player should be able to pay the mystic the silver coins to escape – how will this work? 

Next Steps 

🔲 Fix essential issues. 
🔲 Design consent form. 
🔲 Design user questionnaire.