Unity For Humanity

Copyright Unity Technologies 2020 (Used for Academic Purposes Only) 

Unity for Humanity : Call for Submissions 

Amy Zimmerman : Program Manager of Unity for Humanity at Unity Technologies 
Call for Submission : 21/10/2020 – 20/11/2020
Submission point:      Unity.com/humanity
  • Empathy, Respect & Opportunity
  • Impact  
  • Funding
  • Marketing
  • Technical Support

  • Must be at prototype stage and in production 
  • Impact : Healthcare . Education . Environment . Sustainability . Inclusive Economic Opportunity  
  • Have clear goals for meaningful change 


    UN Sustainable development Goals 
  1. No Poverty
  2. Zero Hunger 
  3. Good Health & Wellbeing 
  4. Quality Education
  5. Gender Equality 
  6. Clean Water & Santitation 
  7. Affordable & Clean energy 
  8. Decent Work & Economic Growth 
  9. Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure 
  10. Reduced Inequalities 
  11. Sustainable Cities & Communities 
  12. Responsible Consumption & Production 
  13. Climate Action 
  14. Life Below Water 
  15. Life on land 
  16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions 
  17. Partnerships for the gaols 

  • Team Diversity : Diversity of Backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. 

  •  All Genres: Film, Games, XR … 

  • Must be 18+

  • Companies & Individuals 
  • Complete Application Form  

  • MP4 Video Trailer 

  • Pitch Desk 
Pitch Desk 
  • Team & Company Information (Consent from each team member) 
  • Production Budget 
  • Production Timeline 
  • Distribution Plan 
  • Partners attached to the project 
  • Impact Goals & Calls to action plan 
  • Empathy, Respect & Opportunity 
  • Impact –  Does it have measurable impact goals ? Does it have a clear call to action ? How will this project create change ? 
  • Viability : Does this project have a clear action plan that can be executed 
  • Bonus: Innovation – A technical achievement or unique way of using unity ? 
  • Unity Employees 
  • Committee of Judges 

Unity for Humanity Summit Line-Up and Links 

Building Empathy in XR

Nicholas S.Roy : https://dpt.co/project/manic-vr

Sarah Berlovich : http://www.beingvr.co/about 
Erin Washington : https://embodiedlabs.com/content-library/
Arthur C Evans Jr. PhD CEO American Psychological Association
Immersive Storytelling for Social Justice 
Calvin Williams : Movement Strategy Center / Wakanda Dream Lab 
Bryant Young : Our American Fishean Studio
Krystal Dawn : Our American USC
Achille Massoma : Ibariki Media 
Innovation and Reskilling : Opportunity in the Global South 
Olu Obidina : https://envivocom.net/
James Hartt : https://www.twofour54.com/en/
Tom Thomas : https://startupmission.kerala.gov.in/
Carine Vavasseur : Ecosystem Builder Délégation Générale à l’Entrepreneuriat Rapide des Femmes et des Jeunes (DER F/J
Johana Riquier : Unity Center of Excellence (COE) Partner Program 

Projecting to Design Change : Experimental Design & ASCE

Larry Goldberg : CEO Experimental Design 
David Odeh : Principle, Odeh Engineers, ASCE 
Alex McDowell : Co-Owner Creative director,  Experimental Design
Julian Faure :  Vice President Verticals at Unity Technologies   

A Fireside Chat with Alex McDowel & Sylvio Drouin

Alex McDowell : Co-Owner Creative director,  Experimental Design
Sylvio Drouin : Research Labs Unity Technologies 
Case Study : Creating an empathy-focused XR Experience 
Marcin Marcyk : Creative Producer Udyssey Creative  http://udyssey.com/
Anna Zoll : Director  Udyssey Creative http://udyssey.com/ and https://www.facebook.com/dancinglettersVR/
Unity MARS tutorial for social impact content 
Dan Miller : Senior Developer Advocate, XR at Unity Technologies  

University innovation with Unity 

Carolina Cruz-Neira : https://www.ist.ucf.edu/
Heather Haseley : Co-Exec, Learning Futures Collab https://lfc.asu.edu/
Dan Munnerley : Co Exec, Learning Futures Collab https://lfc.asu.edu/
Thomas Hurkxkens : Digital Learning Hub Immersive Tech Imperial College London. Initiative https://www.imperial.ac.uk/immersive-technology-initiative/

Monitizing your social impact mobile games 

Katya Kornilova = Head of User Acquisition Partnerships EMEA at Unity Technologies 

Conversation with Creators : Adam Blumenthal, Nucco Brain Studio @ Unit9 

Conversation with Creators : Bryant Young, Fishean Studio – Our American VR Experience 

Conversation with Creators : Michael Gilliard – Embodied Labs 

Rare Beauty Challenge 
The Power of indigenous storytellers 
Empowering creatives for next gen Unity Creators 
Funding your healthcare and well-being experience  
Funding your sustainability experience 
The power of positive play : Online Child Safety 

Conversation with Creators : 

Funding your education experience 
Funding your social impact project festival ready 
New Story Charity on using Unity for 3D printed communities 
Gabo Arora: Where is a friends home ? 
DEEP: Breathing in virtual reality 
Scaling impact with entertainment and popular culture 
The Power and Responsibility of Storytelling in the Age of Social Media 
Digital Medicine 

Sucessful Unity creators share their career journey 

James Stone : DoubleEye https://doubleeye.co/
Kiira Benzing : Nerdrage Studios https://www.nerdragestudios.co.uk/
Asad J.Malik : 1RIC https://1ric.com/

XR for Change : mapping the impact ecosystem 

Democratizing access to high quality learning experiences
HERO: EarthAid Live and impact content for a digital age 

How to create the most impact :  Case Studies and Strategies   

Creating physiotherapy games : Efficacy, data & accessibility 

Case Study: Providing psycho-social support for refugee youth

Conversations with Creators: Dumeetha Luthra 

Conversations with Creators : Jamie Bankhead 

Black realities : Exploring Blackness with innovative storytelling 

Funding cultural Impact 

How students are creating impact with Unity 

Playing for the Planet Alliance : Action on climate crisis

Vr medical training : Accelerating human learning 

Paolo A. Catilo : ORamaVR

Conversation with Creators : Paolo A Catilo 

Web 3D : Upleveling  education for nurses and nursing students 

Navigating the human body in 3D

VR as a key part of the mental health toolkit 

Transforming a hospital into a world of imagination 

Conversation with Creators: Raul Carvajal & Archit Kaushik 

Raul Carvajal : Games for Change 

The power of XR to create significant environmental impact with Philipp Cousteau

Philipp Cousteau : EarthEcho International 
Ashlan Cousteau : Voyancy Ventures  

Thicken the Plot : Unity for Storytelling 

Tamara Shogaolu : Ado Ato Pictures 

Turning data into future COVID preparedness

Heidi Boisvert : Artist Scientist & Creative Technologist – CEO Future Perfect Lab 
Lean on Project  http://www.leanon.com/ 
Connecting resources to need (Visualised by ‘flight patterns’ on a map) 
  •     Data Visualisation on a map is fundamental to the value proposition 
  •     Machine Learning 
Nick Facey : Industrial Solutions Unity Technologies 
Co(vid) -Pilot :  
  • Community Level Data  
  • Localised & Timely – Updated Daily 
  • Covid Risk Forecasting 
Tony Parisi : AR/VR Ad Innovation 

Unity program partners on inclusive economic opportunity 

Covid data visualisation in 3D 

Deforestation and rebuilding with tech : salesforce and Time 

Lveraging VR for COVID training 

Sunlight in the Hanwha Solar Forest 

Breakthru: Real-time 3D and embodied intelligence 

Melissa Painter : MAP design Lab & Breakthru

Funding social impact experiences 

Deborah Quazzo 
Jessica Lindl 
Dhaval Patel 
Nancy Pfund 

Jessica Lindl : VP of Social Impact at Unity Technologies 

Unity 2019.4 LTS : packages (including links)