Research Papers

Sarra has written and delivered a number of research papers in the UK at Birmingham City University, Birmingham, Royal College of Art, London and University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA.

The following papers were delivered for the second research phase. They were produced to add to theory in the field of animation studies. This was before engagement with game engine development that could deliver digital immersive-interactive experiences. 

Helix: An animator’s animated brain recalling practice-based experimentation.
REDEFINING ANIMATION: The 25th Annual Conference for the Society for Animation studies.
School of Cinematic Arts. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA. 
Practice-based visual research: Evaluating the relationship between computer generated 3D Animation and material craft processes. 
Research, knowledge and practice lab
Birmingham Institute of Art and Design. Birmingham City University, UK
Error and Trial: Accessing tacit knowledge embedded in practice through reenactment.