When applying AI narrative in a project, it seems important to first look at the narrative of AI narrative. That is to say, the historical context through which AI Narrative is viewed as this could inform how it is used in practical terms.
What is AI? Where did it originate? Has the description evolved ? How is AI used to form narrative in media ? How is it used to form the media through narrative ?
I’m going to look at this pretty broadly and identify some examples that seem important to me (which are by no means exhaustive.. and may even seem off topic).
Uncanny Valley
And the following article in Medium.
The Turin Test
Cybernetic (Systems Control)
Cybernetics or Communication and Control in Animals & The Machine ©️ Norbert Weiner
Full copy of the original Text is available here https://archive.org/details/CyberneticsOrCommunicationAndControlInTheAnimalAndTheMachineNorbertWiener/page/n5/mode/2up
2nd Order Cybernetics
Quantum Mechanics : Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, two slits experiments and the Wave/Particle Collapse.
Covid – 19 Societal Control – Policing by Consent.
In the same way that typing google into a google breaks the internet (Joke) typing Netflix AI into google to search all films representing AI on Netflix leads to Netflix use of AI (well it amused me..)
I recently watched 2036 Origin Unknown which took a poignant look at humanity and AI.
And it reminded me of HAL 9000.

The Standard News Article
Some of these examples are pretty negative and it’s not my intention to cast a negative light on AI, I’m just trying to understand the narrative that surrounds AI and try to understand it better.
References (TBC)