🔲 Use Pro-builder Mobile Colour where able and when necessary use ‘papery materials’ at 256×256 or lower.
Materials 256×256
Create Light Effects on materials where able to and avoid using real-time lighting all together.
I need to better understand how to optimise my model meshes and reduce the poly count.
I have listened to the Unity forums and many advise running a performance analysis so that I can identify where to optimise because any reduction in speed could be CPU or GPU. This information can be acquired using the Unity Profiler. Unity also has internal profilers and will optimise on model import.
My feeling is that the app really started to slow down when the upper labyrinth was added which could be down to the large material map (this was designed for PC at the time so was fine).
I would also like to try simplifying the geometry to bring the poly count down. I will do this by welding vertices. I am unsure whether duplicating a prefab improves performance.
I’m pretty sure the scripts I used when developing for PC were fine but i will not include them for the new build. I will use The Oculus Integration prefabs which should be perfectly optimised for the app.
Next Steps:
First run performance analysis test, then…
1) white box model set
2) add low res materials
3) paint light effects
4) weld vertices
5) add VR Controller : Oculus Integration
6) Run performance test again.