This seems to be the most informative tutorial that illustrated how to work with modelling and animation between unity and quill.
Oculus Quest : Quill and Unity Production.
I connected Quest to my PC and downloaded Quill to test that I am able to design in the app and I am happy to say that it works pretty well. At least it worked once disabling my local firewall (I re-enabled it afterwards!)
I checked out various short animated films and illustrations in the Oculus Theatre and this prompted me to think about how I might use quill in Lunarium .. and later my next project Fizhogg which will lend itself to this illustrated style.
Thinking about how to work between quill and unity I understand that I can export work from quill as an .fbx File while also importing .fbx models into quill. I’m not sure how to use it yet but it could be a really interesting process to experiment with.
Oculus Quest Games : Quill
Acquiring an Oculus Quest and link to PCVR rift games Not only means that I can learn more about HD VR for PC but also that I can experiment with illustrated VR Animation using Quill.
To begin with I went through the Quest tutorial app which demonstrated the headsets capabilities. This was really useful in that, while playing, I could think about which new interactions I could develop in Lunarium.
To begin with I could develop one of the rooms within the Labyrinth as an escape room experience. This would allow for more hand interaction.
Hello… Oculus Quest :)
New Oculus Quest (with Link for rift)
I received an Oculus Quest and have updated to Unity 2019.4 LTS which means that I can now develop for oculus Quest. This brings with it new modes of interaction, including many hand control options. This also means that I can develop my experiences for mobile and pcvr (for rift) which is where I was trying to get to but was limited by access to tech and software.
Not any more..
As I am registered as an oculus developer I now understand that I can continue to develop Lunarium for rift until Christmas when I should be able to launch on Oculus Quest for testing.
This is the plan…