Following feedback from user testing and trial export testing to mobile it has been decided that the game will be produced primarily for onsite installation. This will mean that the final product will be a VR for PC game.
A taster mobile app will also be designed for distribution as part of a promo pack which will include a google cardboard, and because a Bluetooth controller will not be supplied, this will limit the player mobility in the scene.
Initial research into PC VR expands the possibilities regarding PC processing power in contrast to mobile and although A process of optimisation will be conducted, and efficiency considered throughout the design process, it will have less impact.
The PC that is going to run the game is as the following specification:
VR Headset Research is underway but The following are being considered (although cost will be a deciding factor)
At the present time, the player can control their movement and interaction via the keyboard. This is working well enough to gain user tester feedback.