Optimisation:Ocuclus Rebuild – LowRes Materials & Lowpoly Meshes and Profile 01

All Rights Reserved Sarra Hornby ©2020
Please see Permissions for use 

Oculus Rebuild 13.01.20

I’m pleased with the labyrinth and card wheel optimisation but I am unsure about the stall images. I’m not going to change these at the moment because the main aim is to get a working MVP on  to oculus. When I test this on the device, my eyes may not register the low resolution images. 

Oculus Rebuild Profile 13.01.20

Optimisation:Ocuclus Rebuild – LowRes Materials & Lowpoly Meshes and Profile 01

All Rights Reserved Sarra Hornby ©2020
Please see Permissions for use 

Oculus Rebuild 13.01.20

I’m pleased with the labyrinth and card wheel optimisation but I am unsure about the stall images. I’m not going to change these at the moment because the main aim is to get a working MVP on  to oculus. When I test this on the device, my eyes may not register the low resolution images. 

Oculus Rebuild Profile 13.01.20