Unity Experiments: FPC Experiments 04:02

First Person Controller Test Video 
(You will need a password to view) 
I have implemented the code from the previous tutorial so that I can give the player control of the camera and their body through the scene. 
The lighting experiments and ‘Wayfinding’ research proposes a number of different ways one can direct the players attention through a narrative. 
At the moment, I am thinking about whether it could be possible to deploy gravity as a narrative device so for example the progression is linear except for when the player meets a trap door.
This will include motion, light and elemental phenomena such as subtle shaking (maybe with haptic vibration if possible) Spotlighting and Shadow as well as subtle sound effects.    
Next Steps…
  • Directing attention and ‘wayfinding’ using Lighting and Shadow.  
  • Continue to research Natural Forms and Formation processes.

Unity Experiments: FPC Experiments 04:02

First Person Controller Test Video 
(You will need a password to view) 
I have implemented the code from the previous tutorial so that I can give the player control of the camera and their body through the scene. 
The lighting experiments and ‘Wayfinding’ research proposes a number of different ways one can direct the players attention through a narrative. 
At the moment, I am thinking about whether it could be possible to deploy gravity as a narrative device so for example the progression is linear except for when the player meets a trap door.
This will include motion, light and elemental phenomena such as subtle shaking (maybe with haptic vibration if possible) Spotlighting and Shadow as well as subtle sound effects.    
Next Steps…
  • Directing attention and ‘wayfinding’ using Lighting and Shadow.  
  • Continue to research Natural Forms and Formation processes.