VR Narrative Lighting & wayfinding 02:04

Material Transparency Test (Digital Lightbox) 
Can I influence a participants directional behaviour?

I have read the following paper, 

[Accessed 30/09/19]

Although interesting and informative, I questioned whether, when lighting an immersive space, if architectural lighting design reveal further insight into the problem. I am also interested in the process of mental modelling and wished to explore this further. 
Urban wayfinding 
Natural wayfinding (natural environments)
How does lighting influence wayfinding in natural environments? 
Is sound more influential than visual elements ? 

Barbara Tversky – Mental Modelling In experienced space
Human activity takes place in space. To act effectively, people need mental representations of space. People’s mental representations of space differ from space as conceived of by physicists, geometers, and cartographers. Mental representations of space are constructions based on elements, the things in space, and the spatial relations among them relative to a reference frame. People act in different spaces depending on the task at hand. The spaces considered here are the space of the body, the space around the body, the space of navigation, and the space of graphics. Different elements and spatial relations are central for functioning in the different spaces, yielding different mental representations.
The possibility of digital interactivity requires us to reenvision the map reader as the map user, and to address the perceptual, cognitive, cultural, and practical considerations that influence the user’s experience with interactive maps and visualizations. In this article, we present an agenda for empirical research on this user and the interactive designs he or she employs. The research agenda is a result of a multi-stage discussion among international scholars facilitated by the International Cartographic Association that included an early round of position papers and two subsequent workshops to narrow into pressing themes and important research opportunities. The focus of our discussion is epistemological and reflects the wide interdisciplinary influences on user studies in cartography. The opportunities are presented as imperatives that cross basic research and user-centered design studies, and identify practical impediments to empirical research, emerging interdisciplinary recommendations to improve user studies, and key research needs specific to the study of interactive maps and visualizations.