Women in Cinematic Animation App Jam ?

I am thinking about how to articulate what it feels like to be a women in our world today, not by passively creating a film which will or will not be watched again but to create an immersive experience in which anyone can step into the shoes of a women and experience the difficulty and ecstasy of being a women walking around and interacting with others.

The experience would present another perspective which could reveal the roots of issues and challenges that simply engendering the term ‘female’ bring with it.

I appreciate this is an enormous ask.. and one which will probably take me a lifetime but it’s one I am driven to, not only for me but my daughter, her friends and any female I come into contact with either locally or globally.

I was listening to the women in animation presentation at Annecy 2019 and reflecting on the animation industry and how it might change as it adopts game engine tools such as unity.

I began to think…

What if the App Jam development process was applied to an Animated VR film project.. maybe the one I’m currently thinking about the experience of engendering ‘female’ ?

This was sparked by the following points

  • 50% of students on an animation course are women. 
  • The animation industry is still suffering from ‘unconscious gender bias’ and could be more inclusive. 
  • Unity is focused on creating a real-time film production work flow. 
Leads me to thinking about: 
  • female auteur animators who are directing and producing animation outside of the animation industry. 
  • The democratisation of tools (and the costs of these tools within industry and under personal licences).
  • The merging of the animation industry and games industry in projects such as Cinematic VR etc. 
  • Short film/series production versus feature film production. 
  • The cross disciplinary use of ubiquitous tools to redefine the freelance creative role which could work to the independent advantage. 
  • Remote team building as a new structure for film making … applying the game Jam production process to animated film using Trello (project management) unity (game Engine/film production tool), github (Project sharing tool) discord (communication tool) Skype (Communication tool). 

Women in Cinematic Animation App Jam ?

I am thinking about how to articulate what it feels like to be a women in our world today, not by passively creating a film which will or will not be watched again but to create an immersive experience in which anyone can step into the shoes of a women and experience the difficulty and ecstasy of being a women walking around and interacting with others.

The experience would present another perspective which could reveal the roots of issues and challenges that simply engendering the term ‘female’ bring with it.

I appreciate this is an enormous ask.. and one which will probably take me a lifetime but it’s one I am driven to, not only for me but my daughter, her friends and any female I come into contact with either locally or globally.

I was listening to the women in animation presentation at Annecy 2019 and reflecting on the animation industry and how it might change as it adopts game engine tools such as unity.

I began to think…

What if the App Jam development process was applied to an Animated VR film project.. maybe the one I’m currently thinking about the experience of engendering ‘female’ ?

This was sparked by the following points

  • 50% of students on an animation course are women. 
  • The animation industry is still suffering from ‘unconscious gender bias’ and could be more inclusive. 
  • Unity is focused on creating a real-time film production work flow. 
Leads me to thinking about: 
  • female auteur animators who are directing and producing animation outside of the animation industry. 
  • The democratisation of tools (and the costs of these tools within industry and under personal licences).
  • The merging of the animation industry and games industry in projects such as Cinematic VR etc. 
  • Short film/series production versus feature film production. 
  • The cross disciplinary use of ubiquitous tools to redefine the freelance creative role which could work to the independent advantage. 
  • Remote team building as a new structure for film making … applying the game Jam production process to animated film using Trello (project management) unity (game Engine/film production tool), github (Project sharing tool) discord (communication tool) Skype (Communication tool).