Meeting 03


  • Non linear narrative 
  • Ergodic literature 
  • Cybertext (Quotation) 
  • Unfolding (Bhom) 
  • Flux (Heraclitus) “Man cannot Step in the same river twice for it is not the same river, he is not the same man “
  • Procedural 
  • Clear intention for the work ? 
  • Dropping player into infinity 
  • Infinity model (constructed from spiral) 
  • Helix motion – rotation vertically and horizontally – How would I keep gravity of the player as expected ? 
  • Material efficiency problem – Post problem and investigate
  • Proposal is just a guide – contextual work not product focused (although it is understood this is a product for a different audience/market/purpose) 
  • WebVr okay 
  • Consider hosting work on website.. how would this work ?

Meeting 03


  • Non linear narrative 
  • Ergodic literature 
  • Cybertext (Quotation) 
  • Unfolding (Bhom) 
  • Flux (Heraclitus) “Man cannot Step in the same river twice for it is not the same river, he is not the same man “
  • Procedural 
  • Clear intention for the work ? 
  • Dropping player into infinity 
  • Infinity model (constructed from spiral) 
  • Helix motion – rotation vertically and horizontally – How would I keep gravity of the player as expected ? 
  • Material efficiency problem – Post problem and investigate
  • Proposal is just a guide – contextual work not product focused (although it is understood this is a product for a different audience/market/purpose) 
  • WebVr okay 
  • Consider hosting work on website.. how would this work ?

Practice-Research : circle screen image test

I edited the material to 2048 x 2048 and added 9 circular images on a transparent background.

As I am very keen to optimise the app for best performance on all Desktops, this is at the forefront of my mind at every turn.

I think that one large material will be better than 9 small(ish) materials due to unity’s auto compression function.

Unity Textures, Shaders and Materials

Creating Materials

Next Steps… 
  • Add further circular static images to begin exploring aesthetic choices 
  • Add circular mat to Hex video example. 
  • Add Hex video 
  • Watch Trigger Tutorial 
  • Add trigger to play video on close contact. 

Practice-Research : circle screen image test

I edited the material to 2048 x 2048 and added 9 circular images on a transparent background.

As I am very keen to optimise the app for best performance on all Desktops, this is at the forefront of my mind at every turn.

I think that one large material will be better than 9 small(ish) materials due to unity’s auto compression function.

Unity Textures, Shaders and Materials

Creating Materials

Next Steps… 
  • Add further circular static images to begin exploring aesthetic choices 
  • Add circular mat to Hex video example. 
  • Add Hex video 
  • Watch Trigger Tutorial 
  • Add trigger to play video on close contact. 

Practice-Research : paper rails test

I tried the following to solve the issue. 
  • placed a large central cylinder for the full height of the spiral however this didn’t work effectively as it closed off entrances to the cross tunnels. 
  • tried separating the central cylinder but it still created gaps in which the player could fall off the ladder. 
  • tried using simple white rectangular panels which worked but didn’t look great.
  • I considered using a 3D transparent object with collision collider
  • Because I needed to experiment with material treatments as part of the experimental process, I applied a paper grass material.png and used transparency. This still needs a little work but it’s getting there. 
The player will no longer fall off the staircase… result 🙂 
The material is much more pleasing ‘papery’ effect which fits the aesthetic more closely.

Next steps… 
  • Add circular static images to begin exploring aesthetic choices. 

Practice-Research : paper rails test

I tried the following to solve the issue. 
  • placed a large central cylinder for the full height of the spiral however this didn’t work effectively as it closed off entrances to the cross tunnels. 
  • tried separating the central cylinder but it still created gaps in which the player could fall off the ladder. 
  • tried using simple white rectangular panels which worked but didn’t look great.
  • I considered using a 3D transparent object with collision collider
  • Because I needed to experiment with material treatments as part of the experimental process, I applied a paper grass material.png and used transparency. This still needs a little work but it’s getting there. 
The player will no longer fall off the staircase… result 🙂 
The material is much more pleasing ‘papery’ effect which fits the aesthetic more closely.

Next steps… 
  • Add circular static images to begin exploring aesthetic choices. 

Practice : Aesthetic Design.

The DNA structure is a reference to ‘human’ which could imply an anthropocentric ‘egocentric’ perspective rather than an ecocentric one.  
 I am particularly concerned with placing Nature at the centre of my work and using unity’s primitive forms together with the ‘space’ skybox (although very beautiful), is not achieving this. It could be viewed as a departure from my portfolio, aspects of which will be presented in the model.
I am considering whether more organic forms, with less precise and angular forms, would achieve this. I have drawn out some forms and in these I was thinking about a recursive, fractal spiral.
 To help the process of aesthetic development, I intend to place images from my portfolio into the environment.
I may look at making the form transparent or play with different materials such as transparency or papery effects as well as natural phenomena and other forms and forces found in nature. 
Next Steps… 
  • Use the original Helix image as a guide. 

  • Remodel structure to create a more organic form. 

  • Change the helix to a transparent effect 
  • Add particle effects to mimic ink 

  • Change skybox to white 

  • Add project disks 

Practice : Aesthetic Design.

The DNA structure is a reference to ‘human’ which could imply an anthropocentric ‘egocentric’ perspective rather than an ecocentric one.  
 I am particularly concerned with placing Nature at the centre of my work and using unity’s primitive forms together with the ‘space’ skybox (although very beautiful), is not achieving this. It could be viewed as a departure from my portfolio, aspects of which will be presented in the model.
I am considering whether more organic forms, with less precise and angular forms, would achieve this. I have drawn out some forms and in these I was thinking about a recursive, fractal spiral.
 To help the process of aesthetic development, I intend to place images from my portfolio into the environment.
I may look at making the form transparent or play with different materials such as transparency or papery effects as well as natural phenomena and other forms and forces found in nature. 
Next Steps… 
  • Use the original Helix image as a guide. 

  • Remodel structure to create a more organic form. 

  • Change the helix to a transparent effect 
  • Add particle effects to mimic ink 

  • Change skybox to white 

  • Add project disks