Practice : Aesthetic Design.

The DNA structure is a reference to ‘human’ which could imply an anthropocentric ‘egocentric’ perspective rather than an ecocentric one.  
 I am particularly concerned with placing Nature at the centre of my work and using unity’s primitive forms together with the ‘space’ skybox (although very beautiful), is not achieving this. It could be viewed as a departure from my portfolio, aspects of which will be presented in the model.
I am considering whether more organic forms, with less precise and angular forms, would achieve this. I have drawn out some forms and in these I was thinking about a recursive, fractal spiral.
 To help the process of aesthetic development, I intend to place images from my portfolio into the environment.
I may look at making the form transparent or play with different materials such as transparency or papery effects as well as natural phenomena and other forms and forces found in nature. 
Next Steps… 
  • Use the original Helix image as a guide. 

  • Remodel structure to create a more organic form. 

  • Change the helix to a transparent effect 
  • Add particle effects to mimic ink 

  • Change skybox to white 

  • Add project disks 

Practice : Aesthetic Design.

The DNA structure is a reference to ‘human’ which could imply an anthropocentric ‘egocentric’ perspective rather than an ecocentric one.  
 I am particularly concerned with placing Nature at the centre of my work and using unity’s primitive forms together with the ‘space’ skybox (although very beautiful), is not achieving this. It could be viewed as a departure from my portfolio, aspects of which will be presented in the model.
I am considering whether more organic forms, with less precise and angular forms, would achieve this. I have drawn out some forms and in these I was thinking about a recursive, fractal spiral.
 To help the process of aesthetic development, I intend to place images from my portfolio into the environment.
I may look at making the form transparent or play with different materials such as transparency or papery effects as well as natural phenomena and other forms and forces found in nature. 
Next Steps… 
  • Use the original Helix image as a guide. 

  • Remodel structure to create a more organic form. 

  • Change the helix to a transparent effect 
  • Add particle effects to mimic ink 

  • Change skybox to white 

  • Add project disks