
I think it would be useful to set out where I’d like to go over the next 6 – 12 months in relation to my two creative practices, Sarra.TV (Commercial) and (Experimental visual research).
This portfolio is industry focused, producing multimedia content such as illustration, animation, model making, graphic design for the entertainment, education, training, arts and heritage markets.

… and now app development, immersive and interactive multi media.
This is an interdisciplinary arts and research practice where I can test out and experiment with tools, systems and theory which can expand my skillset while providing space for my own personal preoccupations.

… and now extends to digital immersive and interactive research.

I was here… (This was the blocker!)  
I embarked on the MA Creative App Development Degree with Falmouth because I had found myself in a creative culdesac. In a sense, I’d stepped sideways to go forward because the corridor I was on was decidedly blocked by theory that didnt resonate with the interests I had in practice.

I found myself embedded in the field of Animation Studies which at the time was heavily dominated by theoreticians who were writing about animation as screen spectators. The whole field suffered from an inferiority complex as a poor cousin of film studies. I was more interested in immersion.. immersion in the practice, production and as it turns out, the theory of Animation. In retrospect, you could say I was either in the wrong field or that I was perhaps ahead of my time but whichever was the case, that was irrelevant. What was important was that I moved the practice forward and continued to push my own boundaries. Time doesn’t stop.. so why should I?   

As well as immersion, I was also really captivated by audience interaction. I knew that I needed to improve my digital skillset but I also had a hunch that by taking some time out to look at some of the knots of my practice, I would be able to free myself from certain assumptions and move forward. 

I stepped out of research for a while and found myself working at the Oxford University Press soon moving to St Andrews Mental Health Hospital, where I engaged in user testing and e-learning course development.  The seed for app development was sown at OUP but  fuelled by my time at St Andrews, where I was exposed to VR for instructional design. I wanted to know more…

I was curious.

Where I went next…
I researched many MA courses and chose Falmouth because it was seemed to be a gateway for both creatives and coders to enter and explore digital making together. It was also structured as an online course which meant no valuable time lost in commuting. I wanted to extend my creative skillset, explore code and become friends with computation (which had been a recurring theme in my research experiments). 

The MA in Creative App Development ticked all the boxes, but on reflection, my idea of extending my skillset and adding code was pretty unambitious… (most unlike me!). I have achieved this but I have also discovered a whole lot more in the process.

I have found myself in a new field with new theory and practices that resonate with my immersive and interactive preoccupations. However,  most valuable of all I have discovered a field full of intelligent, interesting, diverse and above all joyous people. Their sense of adventure and energy combined with their sharing and supportive attitudes, has been delightful and refreshing.

Alcwyn Parker, the course leader is patient, supportive, acutely perceptive and completely dedicated to developing a growing and supportive community of creatives and coders (whatever they call themselves and whatever their aspirations)…

A rare thing.

The Future…
On leaving the MA, the original plan was to enter the experience design industry to create immersive and interactive experiences for the entertainment, arts and heritage industries. My final project was designed as a virtual reality mobile app which would be installed at a live halloween event. This is because I had an eye on theme park installation and developing installation for arts & heritage sites.

Things have changed (maybe temporarily, maybe not)… The Pandemic came out of nowhere!

Oh, what to do?


Commercially, in the next 6 – 12 months I am going to develop applications as an indie developer. This will include Lunarium, the Location-Based Mobile VR Application. I am going to continue to develop for Oculus Quest (Mobile & Standalone Windows) as well as begin development for Fizhogg which is an illustrated Mobile VR/Windows Application (with ios/webVR later).
Experimentally, I am still exploring ‘papery-ness’, tactile and haptic effects in unity and VR World design but I am now beginning focus more on Narrative. It is my intention to explore VR Narrative in more detail and align this with VR World Design (so looking at how the VR player camera is controlled for cinematic effect in unity could be examined in relation to text or oral narrative interaction control).

VR/AI Narrative 

My curiosity has been piqued and my nose has picked up a new scent. Thanks to Guy Gadney (and Falmouth University for making this connection), I intend to study more about AI Narrative. I want to think about how this could be applied in my own projects. I will begin by examining the projects produced using while testing it out in practice. This will help me to work out how AI Narrative works and consider potential narrative mechanics for Lunarium and Fizogg. These are both both VR Adventure Stories and so it could lead to some interesting discoveries.

And so begins another adventure of my own, Albeit one that may yet be totally unexpected…

Next Steps: 

🔲 VR World Design Research Overview (Recap) 
🔲 VR Narrative Design Research Overview (Recap) 
🔲 AI Narrative Research 
    Maker Manual Read Through 
    Character back story development 

🔲 Lunarium Unity Development – Implement Charisma Experiment 


Creativity = Satisfaction
Community = Resilience
Resilience = Success