Covid 19 has shifted my research focus to the space between professional training content and virtual/remote learning generally, but specifically learning within the field of Health and wellbeing. I asked.. how can I use my skills for the greater good? (In a hot fuzz kind of way 🙂 .
One of the Unity for Humanity categories is Health & Well-being and so I feel that moving in this direction would be interesting and could be fruitful. Having designed and produced a VR Podiatry prototype on my masters course, followed by the development of a promo video for a clinicians mood tracking app, I have an interest in this area.
In my previous experience I have worked as a learning technologist at a mental health hospital, as a lecturer and tutor within various HE institutions and as a community artist working with older learners. This has given me good understanding of adult learning in practice. This sparked an interest in adult learning theory (Andragogy), and also a desire to learn more about the tools used to create learning content.
Captivate and Storyline are generally the tools of choice for learning and development professionals today. In days gone by, the tools were limited to screen based pc applications. They now offer mobile distribution and also VR.
I am currently refreshing my knowledge of captivate in light of my unity development to see where learning and development might be enhanced through a combination of e-learning courses, video (both screen and 360) as well as web based virtual experiences.
I am thinking about narrative storytelling, cinematography and environment design that directs a learners journey through a virtual space so that they encounter narrative ‘naturally’. My approach aligns to the way in which a story may be told for entertainment but, in the instance of designing a L&D experience, specifically meets the learning objective most effectively.
So, I’ve been researching how different tools can be applied for different purposes, how learning outcomes can be evaluated and how immersive learning and development content can be designed most effectively.
To do this I am joining the Instructional Design training pathway on linked in as well as researching how unity can be converged with captivate software.