- Open the Lunarium Unity project which has been signed and set up already.
- Update to 2019.3
- Initially set up as a standalone
- Export Standalone assets as a new asset package from non-signed unity project.
- Edit environment, add nav mesh and all animation (basically design like the stand alone version)
- Convert to mobile VR
Alternatively, I could set up a brand new project on oculus and go through the signature process. This would allow me to use the existing stand alone project but I would have to be sure if I deleted the current oculus Lunarium project as oculus will only allow you to publish once as the same project name (I could change the name though). To change the project name I’d have to redesign the logo and assets so this wouldn’t really work.
I could always test this with another project and see how far I get. I could go through the upload process with the Fizhogg project. I have many assets for this already which could get me past this stage easier but it would still take some time.
The next step would be to create a simple scene based on one of the Labyrinth rooms and fully narrated and with full lighting and effects.