Unity Experiments: Form 03:01

I am interested in how newtonian physical force influence growth formation in the natural physical world and so I have been scouring texts for useful models which I could recreate in unity.

I have identified a number of forms that examine various formation processes.


BREIDBACH, O. And EIBESFELDT, et al. 1998 Art Forms from the Ocean Ernst Haeckel London, Prestel Publishing. 

BREIDBACH, O. 2005 Art forms in Nature Earnst Haeckel  London, Prestel Publishing. 

STEVENS, P. S. 1974 Patterns in Nature London, Peregrine. 

THOMPSON, D, W. 2005. On Growth and Form Thompson, Cambridge Press

(I am considering if this mentally anchors digital artefacts in the players mind when navigating a virtual world)

This is how I am going to approach learning Unity’s modelling, interaction and navigation functions quickly using ProBuilder and simple code.

  1. Set up a Unity file using Unity 2019. 2.7f2 
  2. Install Probuilder 4.0.5 and construct simple white box model environments based on natural formations. 
  3. Script simple object interaction. 
  4. Script a first person controller.   

Probuilder Experiments


 Probuilder Standard Primitives

Leads to the construction of a simple platform Game Environment 

 2D Platform Experiments


Platform design after natural surface pattern formations 

Other forms that could be explored include the following formations (I will complete these over the next week or so but I am really focused on testing interaction at this point) … 
  • Branching
  • Meander 
  • Explosion 
  • Bubble 
  • Packing 
  • Cracking 
  • Fractal  (algorithmic plug – in)    
  • Stochastic (Cloud and other phenomena)

Unity Experiments: Form 03:01

I am interested in how newtonian physical force influence growth formation in the natural physical world and so I have been scouring texts for useful models which I could recreate in unity.

I have identified a number of forms that examine various formation processes.


BREIDBACH, O. And EIBESFELDT, et al. 1998 Art Forms from the Ocean Ernst Haeckel London, Prestel Publishing. 

BREIDBACH, O. 2005 Art forms in Nature Earnst Haeckel  London, Prestel Publishing. 

STEVENS, P. S. 1974 Patterns in Nature London, Peregrine. 

THOMPSON, D, W. 2005. On Growth and Form Thompson, Cambridge Press

(I am considering if this mentally anchors digital artefacts in the players mind when navigating a virtual world)

This is how I am going to approach learning Unity’s modelling, interaction and navigation functions quickly using ProBuilder and simple code.

  1. Set up a Unity file using Unity 2019. 2.7f2 
  2. Install Probuilder 4.0.5 and construct simple white box model environments based on natural formations. 
  3. Script simple object interaction. 
  4. Script a first person controller.   

Probuilder Experiments


 Probuilder Standard Primitives

Leads to the construction of a simple platform Game Environment 

 2D Platform Experiments


Platform design after natural surface pattern formations 

Other forms that could be explored include the following formations (I will complete these over the next week or so but I am really focused on testing interaction at this point) … 
  • Branching
  • Meander 
  • Explosion 
  • Bubble 
  • Packing 
  • Cracking 
  • Fractal  (algorithmic plug – in)    
  • Stochastic (Cloud and other phenomena)