Unity Experiments: FPC Character Controller 03:03

Unity has a Character Controller Function which can make creating a FPC quite simple (I wanted to code a FPC first so that I could begin to understand what is going on ‘under the hood’).

Tutorial: https://youtu.be/n-KX8AeGK7E

I will now implement both FPC’s in my basic white box modelled environments so that I can begin to get a feel for how the player might experience the game. 
If I add some simple interactions (including some isolated object movement) I will be able to experiment with the game play.
I can then go on the further create environments based on natural formations as previously identified. This will lead the way for further ‘wayfinding’ experiments.

Unity Experiments: FPC Character Controller 03:03

Unity has a Character Controller Function which can make creating a FPC quite simple (I wanted to code a FPC first so that I could begin to understand what is going on ‘under the hood’).

Tutorial: https://youtu.be/n-KX8AeGK7E

I will now implement both FPC’s in my basic white box modelled environments so that I can begin to get a feel for how the player might experience the game. 
If I add some simple interactions (including some isolated object movement) I will be able to experiment with the game play.
I can then go on the further create environments based on natural formations as previously identified. This will lead the way for further ‘wayfinding’ experiments.