Brain Storm 01:04

Brain Dump 

Previous Research Track 


Projection mapping – applying the basic principles of cgi modelling to physical models. 

Gaming & Immersion in Nature – practice based experiments in Studio, Virtual and natural environments.  

Exploring how animation can illustrate aspects of quantum physics 

The mystification of nature in drawn animation *

HCI experiments in CG Animation software. 

Research Tool App Concept 

Indie XR Animation, games and illustration studio – Director, Producer, Animator and illustrator. ( 

Arts Practice & Research – Personal Work ( – 
1) is HCI tension one of gender or control? 
2) how is nature mystified In Animation (experimental & 3D ) and other transmedia applications (XR). 
3) Practice – Based Research : I can speak for myself thank you… I’m not a lab rat. 
4) Better Practice – Based research tools: Helix 
5) Alternative Animation histories – Immersive internalised/externalised world-building a Animation is not just film on screen it Is a kind of mental modelling.  
6) A transmedial exploration of death and spiritualism in experimental animation and other media. 
7) The mystification of nature (super – nature) – spiritualism, power, autonomy, beauty and woman. 
8) Spirituality/direct connection Something bigger  (in opposition to a patriarchal control system) – a kind of panpsychism. 

Experimental Animation : computer animation/gender  – Birgitta Hosea (9) & Suzanne Buchan (305) Animation:An Interdisciplinary Journal, SAS (counter thesis) “as a practitioner, for me Animation was about being immersed within practice and processes of animation production rather than watching animation on screen or as a moving object, animation was the poor cousin of film and this definition did not hold for me it simply wasn’t how I viewed animation in practice, animation was an immersive process. 

Transmedia : Aesthetics Film/videogame/gender – Tanya Krzywinska (153) 

Super-natural : spiritualism/nature/gender/materiality Ruth Heholt (36) “a transmedial tracking of the super-natural through experimental animation and other transmedia, speaks to my formative biography, my early kinetic work and aspects of an earlier research enquiry. This was prior to the technological enquiry. I am now interested in exploring magical realism in expanded animation/transmedial work.  

  • Publish Android/iOS App
  • Annecy Cinematic VR Submission 
  • Research Proposal
  • Commercial – & Aniseedstudio Paper craft / illustration / cgi  
  • Art – & (political) 
  • research – XR Animation – 
  • Adobe Photoshop 2019 cc
  • Blender 2.8  – environment 
  • Unity – interaction / app UI / vr filmmaking 2019.3.0a2 
  • Quill plug-in
  • Android google cardboard and daydream (need daydream compatible phone) controller 
  • Android phone with gyro 
  • 360 camera (for experimental 360 image capture) 
  • XR Project Design (holovis) 
  • Unity accreditation
  • Proposal writing
  • Designing assets for game design 
  • Character rigging – blender 
  • Environment modelling – blender 
  • Academic research and writing
  • XR  (VR/AR/MR) craft based Commercial App including game – Wheels (Android) Unity project. 
  • XR (VR/AR/MR) Illustrated narrative animated Project with Commercial Retail function  – Fizhog (Android) Unity project.
  • XR (VR/AR/MR) Practitioner Research Production app – Helix (Android) Unity project. 
  • XR (VR/AR/MR) Animation Research proposal – Birgitta (UCL) / Tereza (Falmouth) quantum/cinematic vr/XR Animation/feminism/research app/
  • Jackson fighting fantasy books – 
  • Technology, testosterone, war and Male dominance 
  • Geolocation and the Physical web – beacons : Military surveillance and personal liberty – working class struggle for the right to roam versus the rights of the wealthy to have exclusive use of moorlands for grouseshooting. The right to roam the world without being tracked and manipulated. 
  • Feminism – ‘Venus figurines’ – The absence of feet has led to suggestions that the figures might have been made to stand upright by inserting the legs into the ground like a peg. 
  • Emotional abuse – Gaslighting (conditioning) pull the wool – creating an alternate reality which controls and manipulates. 
  • Legislation to protect privacy. GDPR – Oxford Research
  • material space is important to hauntedness of a place 

Decision Thought Process: 
  • Do I produce a Commercial/Experimental Project ? 
  • Will this be a film or game? 
  • Will I focus on the game mechanics or is this a content enquiry? 
  • What is the current discourse on this theme in animation/video games? 
  • What is the current discourse on the ‘best practice’ game mechanics Cinematic VR production? 
  • VR Narrative production (best practice) 
  • Gothic/Sublime Narratives  (Mythopoetic narratives such as the Rider-Waite Tarot) 
  • Nature & Physical Effects (magical Effects)
  • Materiality in Unity (paper Effects) 
  • Sound (as a narrative device for haptic feedback & to direct attention) 
  • Gender (Mysticism and Nature) 
  • When writing for Cinematic VR use existing film language processes such as traditional script writing and storyboarding first to make sure it works but add in things like sound and cut scenes to the narrative test flow and connection between scenes. Use references from cut scenes in the script and storyboards. 

Mechanic/technical investigation (DAD)
Holism and systems thinking 
HCI Experiments – cgi interface tension – Applying Craft processes to CGIModelling 
Designing an intuitive AR practice-based research tool – Helix App (methodology) 

Mythopoeic VR Narrative (Content/themes in experimental animation & transmedia MUM) * 
VR Narrative project – The mystification Nature and the supernatural In animation and games. In this project I am going to revisit the suspended research track 5 which is The mystification of nature in drawn animation however I will be thinking in terms of a virtual world, physical materials such as paper and physical effects such as fire, ice, fog etc in the space between Video games and experimental animation. 

Experimental modes of animation – practice and history 
Spirituality – Supernatural – agency & control
Gender – Women/witches/evil/demonising & power/control & autonomy. 
Natural environment – control, power and intelligence 
VR – vulnerability, fear and ethics in immersive experiences/ VR worlds
Narrative – structure / sound 

Tarot – Mythopoeic literature – predicting future events 
Mental modelling – small scale models in the mind / prediction 
Creepy nursery rhymes – folk tales 
Spooky action at a distance – quantum mechanics 
Hand of the designer controlling direction – agency & freewill 
Supernatural Agency 
Natural phenomena – intelligent design 
Unseen/invisible – half seen/almost visible/periphery vision/sound/shadows/light 
Experimental animated films – svankmayer/quays/norstein/reiniger
Animation – bringing life to material inanimate objects
Puppeteering – puppet master (control) 
Autonomy – wanting to make independent decisions without being manipulated. 

Career Direction 

My research is situated In the triangulation between art/ecology/technology. 
I am interested in experimental animation – film/kinetic sculpture/projection etc 
I have spent 4 years in the animation field exploring exploring the use of technology in contemporary 3D animation practice.

Research question

A transmedial practice-based exploration of the super – natural (spirituality/nature) at the intersection of the experimental traditions of animation practice and cross reality (XR) creative app development. 

(This would revisit a fork in the road and expand on an aspect of my practice which explored the mystification of nature in animation). 

Literature search (REfWORKS) 
Previous research questions 
Is the tension experienced using computer animation tools, one of autonomy and control? 
Is the tension experienced using computer animation tools, one of gender ? 
Is natural phenomena mystified in animated film? 
Can animation represent multiple realities and other aspects of quantum physics? 
Can animation represent research methodologies ? 
Can an intuitive practice-based research app be developed to capture, organise, represent and disseminate practice-based research in Academia and beyond ?  
Is the tension experienced when using computer animation software found in the gap between heuristic trial and error, and the programmed algorithm of the machine? 
How form, formed in mind and nature? 
Can human-computer interaction be naturalised, and if it can, should it be? 

Do I want to make a 360 animated video / interactive video / reward viewers as in gameplay? 

If no interaction then I will not need hand controllers only a headset and a mobile phone. 


Unity Cinematic VR 

Annecy VR Animation 
Annecy XR Selection list
Annecy Graduate selection
Jan pinkava (piggy)
Baobab studio (crow)
(Materialising the digital)
(Exploding the micro)  
Fizhogg – illustrated world (gamification retail app)  
Lumo – Paper mobile app
Pilsner – Paper sculpture 
Interconnection – projection mapping 
Conductive thread – Soft electronics – Sewn VR headset 
Critters – circus characters 
Helix – visual research diary – research the diary/research app market 
Feminist literature – what it means to be woman 
Paper folding 
Biomimetic Design 
White and wood 
Book making 
Clay modelling 
Community building/getting people together for a common cause
Getting fit/walking 
Learning about a place / special locations 
Augmented/Virtual art and media

Research – library link 

Falmouth research repository 





History of Animation 

“In particular, the inclusion of a chapter on the ‘Emergence of Electronic Games’ in this volume is significant for pedagogical purposes. While some may take issue with Furniss’s theoretically problematic redefinition of video games as ‘animated games’, the chapter’s value lies in introducing the shared history of digital animation and video games, and the common aesthetic and theoretical questions they raise. This historical overview is complemented by ‘Heroes and Damsels in Distress’ (p. 294), a chapter dedicated to unpacking the gender stereotypes embedded in mainstream games, as well as the sexism of male-dominated online gaming communities and the gaming industry at large. This chapter touches upon topical issues such as the misogynistic discourse surrounding feminist video game criticism and activism, pointing to the recent ‘Gamergate’ online movement, whose members actively targeted and harassed prominent female video game bloggers and developers.” 

Birgitta Hosea 

Animation as mindful practice 

Animated landscapes (across media) 

The reanimating of the Digital undead 

Anima/Animus – Chodlodenko (Theoretician) – Animation: The giving of life to and other definitions. 

Mental Modelling (Small scale models in the mind) Constructing animated worlds -A psychological/practice-based perspective. 

William Kentridge – automatic writing 

William Kentridge (On his process and ‘uncertainty’) 

Embodied mind affect in animation/videogames – bisonette (2019) 

Jan svankmayer – 
The ossuary 

The Brothers Quay – In Absentia 

Teresa Kerowski 

Birgitta Hosea (spiritualist) 


Norman Maclaren 

The writer – automaton (bbc4) 



Supernatural’ Special effects in animation (Newtonian Physics) 

Elemental Magic, Volume I: The Art of Special Effects Animation: The Classical Art of Special Effects Animation Paperback – 19 Feb 2009

Earthquakes, volcanoes, lightning, rain, bubbling and spewing lava, bubbling mud, magical fairy dust, dandelion seed pods, glistening water drops on a spider web, ocean waves, steam, snowflakes, leaves and flower petals, magic spells, meteors and swirling galaxies, smoke, spirits, frost, clouds, and countless forms of water splashes, waves, and ripples.

(Majesty of nature/command of nature)

Spooky Action at a distance (Quantum Physics) 

Depictions of nature in Mythopoeic literature (Tarot)


Ruth heholt – supernature and the environment 
(Connects to my interest in the mystification of natural phenomena in animation) 

Haunted landscapes 


Rachel Whiteread – Concretising the marks of a life and death in space 

Ruth Heholt (writer) 

Taking a theme and examining it across media (such as death) is interdisciplinary research without fear of authority and disciplinary dominance. 

Affect and embodied meaning in animation 


Fairytale tourism – projection mapping 


Arthur Findlay College 

Spiritualists National Union 

Lesley Shepherd – Automatic Writing ✍️

Death in the digital age 

Mystification of nature – folklore/myth/oral stories in Brian froud  

Supernatural haptic feedback experiments 

The science of the supernatural (accessed 24/09/19) 

Mythopoeic literature (Tarot) 

Raider-Waite Tarot (Including copyright details) 

Wheel of fortune 

The haunted beach 

VR Narrative 

A supernatural VR Environment for spatial user Rotation

Touchless haptic feedback for supernatural VR Experiences 

Impossible spaces in VR Narrative 

Branching narrative in VR 

The future of visual novels 

Narrative grammar in 360 

Instantaneously punctuated picture-music: Re-evaluating videogame expression through Pilgrim in the Microworld

Map du tendre

Map du tendre 

VR Research 

Emma having her balance tests at Leicester Royal Infirmary (24/09/19) 

Women in supernatural VR Experiences 

Women and autonomy 

Women and agency 

Women and the supernatural 

Women in Videogames 

Seminal texts on Video Games 
Cybertext(Aarseth, 1997)
Narrative as Virtual Reality(Ryan, 2001) 
Hamlet on the Holodeck(Murray, 1997)

Visual effects in Unity 

The Wheel – Masters Final Project 

Decision Process 
Experimental project that revisits a suspended research track and will have  commercial application.

VR Animation – aligns with career objective. 

This is fundamentally a content enquiry as I have previously followed a technical  track and now I have an opportunity to further investigate two suspended  research tracks which are:

1. Can animation represent aspects of quantum mechanics (or as Einstein  put it ‘spooky action at a distance’) 

2.Does drawn animation mystify Nature? 

Super – natural (Ruth Heholt) – peer reviewed 
Gothic Horror (Tanya) – peer reviewed 
    (Birgitta Hosea) – peer reviewed 

GDC Vault – Grey Literature 
Annecy VR Category 

Is this a practice-based trans media investigation of the ‘super-natural’ in Cross Reality (XR – AR/MR/VR) production ?

The Wheel 

This project takes ‘Wheels’ as it’s starting point but it is significantly advanced in terms of narrative and mechanics. This will be rigorously underpinned with relevant research. 

I would like to revisit a suspended branch of my research that explored the mystification of nature in drawn animation. I would like to explore the theme of the ‘super-natural’ in videogames and the experimental animation focusing on the gothic/beautiful and sublime in relation to nature. I will focus my research on  VFX and mythopoetic narrative i

This means that I will develop a virtual world, constructed in paper in which the participant can explore a mythopoetic narrative based on Rider-Waite Tarot card deck and encounter (and control, or not) various ‘mystical’ visual effects based on natural phenomena.

The project experiments with studies of the natural environment acquired in practice-based experimental animation research as applied to a Unity Cinematic VR Project. 

The narrative is yet to be finalised and I will need to structured with a clear objective as I am still thinking about how to structure this. I am considering applying natural form as the basis for this structure. 

To complete this project I will need to conduct a through sweep of academic and grey literature at the intersection between the experimental traditions of animation and video games, focusing on the the mystification of nature (VFX, the visual depiction of Natural Phenomena and mythopoetic narrative) 2015 – 2019 (worldwide). 

I have identified the following two relevant papers as a starting point for this project. 

The Great C’ : Lessons From Creating a 37 Minute Cinematic Narrative 
S, Bosco, S, Miller , L, Van Osch : Secret Location 
GDC Vault Virtual Reality Developers Conference: 18-19 March 2019. 
Accessed 26.09.19

Available on Steam and Oculus

Key Points

Applying this to my project raises the following questions… 

KRZYWINSKA, TANYA. 2017. ‘Gothic American Gaming’. Cambridge University Press.

In this article, Professor Krzywinka begins by defining the unique quality of video games as requiring a players interaction. She focuses on Monstrosity, Otherness and Dislocation In Gothic American games so as to analyse relations between Story, character and game mechanics. 

She begins by using examples from American Gothic Video games to find relations between monstrosity and the monstrous, the objectification of monstrosity in the Other and monstrous locations in which he player feels dislocated. 

The author discusses how the monster can be used to support game play as the player becomes stronger they can fighter stronger monsters and this feeds back as advancement through the game. Although this does not often alter the storyline games such as fable and mass effect series can intense the trajectory of the game. Limiting the players affect on the stolen preserves authorial control of the storyline and reduces production costs.
ProfessorKrzywinkawrites that games take up real world mythological systems and translate them to a ludic agenda, applying a universal realisation of monstrosity. 
She progresses from swarms of monsters, to individualised monster and even the player as monster.

The concept of monstrosity relates to the other as threatening and terrifying, adding that certain people and groups can be ‘othered’ made strange and different as a means to ostracise and marginalise them. 

Finally, author discusses the functionality of gameplay space and how it may impede a players progress through space, acting as antagonist. This is referred to as player versus environment. 


Access granted for Alcwyn 

Brain Storm 01:04

Brain Dump 

Previous Research Track 


Projection mapping – applying the basic principles of cgi modelling to physical models. 

Gaming & Immersion in Nature – practice based experiments in Studio, Virtual and natural environments.  

Exploring how animation can illustrate aspects of quantum physics 

The mystification of nature in drawn animation *

HCI experiments in CG Animation software. 

Research Tool App Concept 

Indie XR Animation, games and illustration studio – Director, Producer, Animator and illustrator. ( 

Arts Practice & Research – Personal Work ( – 
1) is HCI tension one of gender or control? 
2) how is nature mystified In Animation (experimental & 3D ) and other transmedia applications (XR). 
3) Practice – Based Research : I can speak for myself thank you… I’m not a lab rat. 
4) Better Practice – Based research tools: Helix 
5) Alternative Animation histories – Immersive internalised/externalised world-building a Animation is not just film on screen it Is a kind of mental modelling.  
6) A transmedial exploration of death and spiritualism in experimental animation and other media. 
7) The mystification of nature (super – nature) – spiritualism, power, autonomy, beauty and woman. 
8) Spirituality/direct connection Something bigger  (in opposition to a patriarchal control system) – a kind of panpsychism. 

Experimental Animation : computer animation/gender  – Birgitta Hosea (9) & Suzanne Buchan (305) Animation:An Interdisciplinary Journal, SAS (counter thesis) “as a practitioner, for me Animation was about being immersed within practice and processes of animation production rather than watching animation on screen or as a moving object, animation was the poor cousin of film and this definition did not hold for me it simply wasn’t how I viewed animation in practice, animation was an immersive process. 

Transmedia : Aesthetics Film/videogame/gender – Tanya Krzywinska (153) 

Super-natural : spiritualism/nature/gender/materiality Ruth Heholt (36) “a transmedial tracking of the super-natural through experimental animation and other transmedia, speaks to my formative biography, my early kinetic work and aspects of an earlier research enquiry. This was prior to the technological enquiry. I am now interested in exploring magical realism in expanded animation/transmedial work.  

  • Publish Android/iOS App
  • Annecy Cinematic VR Submission 
  • Research Proposal
  • Commercial – & Aniseedstudio Paper craft / illustration / cgi  
  • Art – & (political) 
  • research – XR Animation – 
  • Adobe Photoshop 2019 cc
  • Blender 2.8  – environment 
  • Unity – interaction / app UI / vr filmmaking 2019.3.0a2 
  • Quill plug-in
  • Android google cardboard and daydream (need daydream compatible phone) controller 
  • Android phone with gyro 
  • 360 camera (for experimental 360 image capture) 
  • XR Project Design (holovis) 
  • Unity accreditation
  • Proposal writing
  • Designing assets for game design 
  • Character rigging – blender 
  • Environment modelling – blender 
  • Academic research and writing
  • XR  (VR/AR/MR) craft based Commercial App including game – Wheels (Android) Unity project. 
  • XR (VR/AR/MR) Illustrated narrative animated Project with Commercial Retail function  – Fizhog (Android) Unity project.
  • XR (VR/AR/MR) Practitioner Research Production app – Helix (Android) Unity project. 
  • XR (VR/AR/MR) Animation Research proposal – Birgitta (UCL) / Tereza (Falmouth) quantum/cinematic vr/XR Animation/feminism/research app/
  • Jackson fighting fantasy books – 
  • Technology, testosterone, war and Male dominance 
  • Geolocation and the Physical web – beacons : Military surveillance and personal liberty – working class struggle for the right to roam versus the rights of the wealthy to have exclusive use of moorlands for grouseshooting. The right to roam the world without being tracked and manipulated. 
  • Feminism – ‘Venus figurines’ – The absence of feet has led to suggestions that the figures might have been made to stand upright by inserting the legs into the ground like a peg. 
  • Emotional abuse – Gaslighting (conditioning) pull the wool – creating an alternate reality which controls and manipulates. 
  • Legislation to protect privacy. GDPR – Oxford Research
  • material space is important to hauntedness of a place 

Decision Thought Process: 
  • Do I produce a Commercial/Experimental Project ? 
  • Will this be a film or game? 
  • Will I focus on the game mechanics or is this a content enquiry? 
  • What is the current discourse on this theme in animation/video games? 
  • What is the current discourse on the ‘best practice’ game mechanics Cinematic VR production? 
  • VR Narrative production (best practice) 
  • Gothic/Sublime Narratives  (Mythopoetic narratives such as the Rider-Waite Tarot) 
  • Nature & Physical Effects (magical Effects)
  • Materiality in Unity (paper Effects) 
  • Sound (as a narrative device for haptic feedback & to direct attention) 
  • Gender (Mysticism and Nature) 
  • When writing for Cinematic VR use existing film language processes such as traditional script writing and storyboarding first to make sure it works but add in things like sound and cut scenes to the narrative test flow and connection between scenes. Use references from cut scenes in the script and storyboards. 

Mechanic/technical investigation (DAD)
Holism and systems thinking 
HCI Experiments – cgi interface tension – Applying Craft processes to CGIModelling 
Designing an intuitive AR practice-based research tool – Helix App (methodology) 

Mythopoeic VR Narrative (Content/themes in experimental animation & transmedia MUM) * 
VR Narrative project – The mystification Nature and the supernatural In animation and games. In this project I am going to revisit the suspended research track 5 which is The mystification of nature in drawn animation however I will be thinking in terms of a virtual world, physical materials such as paper and physical effects such as fire, ice, fog etc in the space between Video games and experimental animation. 

Experimental modes of animation – practice and history 
Spirituality – Supernatural – agency & control
Gender – Women/witches/evil/demonising & power/control & autonomy. 
Natural environment – control, power and intelligence 
VR – vulnerability, fear and ethics in immersive experiences/ VR worlds
Narrative – structure / sound 

Tarot – Mythopoeic literature – predicting future events 
Mental modelling – small scale models in the mind / prediction 
Creepy nursery rhymes – folk tales 
Spooky action at a distance – quantum mechanics 
Hand of the designer controlling direction – agency & freewill 
Supernatural Agency 
Natural phenomena – intelligent design 
Unseen/invisible – half seen/almost visible/periphery vision/sound/shadows/light 
Experimental animated films – svankmayer/quays/norstein/reiniger
Animation – bringing life to material inanimate objects
Puppeteering – puppet master (control) 
Autonomy – wanting to make independent decisions without being manipulated. 

Career Direction 

My research is situated In the triangulation between art/ecology/technology. 
I am interested in experimental animation – film/kinetic sculpture/projection etc 
I have spent 4 years in the animation field exploring exploring the use of technology in contemporary 3D animation practice.

Research question

A transmedial practice-based exploration of the super – natural (spirituality/nature) at the intersection of the experimental traditions of animation practice and cross reality (XR) creative app development. 

(This would revisit a fork in the road and expand on an aspect of my practice which explored the mystification of nature in animation). 

Literature search (REfWORKS) 
Previous research questions 
Is the tension experienced using computer animation tools, one of autonomy and control? 
Is the tension experienced using computer animation tools, one of gender ? 
Is natural phenomena mystified in animated film? 
Can animation represent multiple realities and other aspects of quantum physics? 
Can animation represent research methodologies ? 
Can an intuitive practice-based research app be developed to capture, organise, represent and disseminate practice-based research in Academia and beyond ?  
Is the tension experienced when using computer animation software found in the gap between heuristic trial and error, and the programmed algorithm of the machine? 
How form, formed in mind and nature? 
Can human-computer interaction be naturalised, and if it can, should it be? 

Do I want to make a 360 animated video / interactive video / reward viewers as in gameplay? 

If no interaction then I will not need hand controllers only a headset and a mobile phone. 


Unity Cinematic VR 

Annecy VR Animation 
Annecy XR Selection list
Annecy Graduate selection
Jan pinkava (piggy)
Baobab studio (crow)
(Materialising the digital)
(Exploding the micro)  
Fizhogg – illustrated world (gamification retail app)  
Lumo – Paper mobile app
Pilsner – Paper sculpture 
Interconnection – projection mapping 
Conductive thread – Soft electronics – Sewn VR headset 
Critters – circus characters 
Helix – visual research diary – research the diary/research app market 
Feminist literature – what it means to be woman 
Paper folding 
Biomimetic Design 
White and wood 
Book making 
Clay modelling 
Community building/getting people together for a common cause
Getting fit/walking 
Learning about a place / special locations 
Augmented/Virtual art and media

Research – library link 

Falmouth research repository 





History of Animation 

“In particular, the inclusion of a chapter on the ‘Emergence of Electronic Games’ in this volume is significant for pedagogical purposes. While some may take issue with Furniss’s theoretically problematic redefinition of video games as ‘animated games’, the chapter’s value lies in introducing the shared history of digital animation and video games, and the common aesthetic and theoretical questions they raise. This historical overview is complemented by ‘Heroes and Damsels in Distress’ (p. 294), a chapter dedicated to unpacking the gender stereotypes embedded in mainstream games, as well as the sexism of male-dominated online gaming communities and the gaming industry at large. This chapter touches upon topical issues such as the misogynistic discourse surrounding feminist video game criticism and activism, pointing to the recent ‘Gamergate’ online movement, whose members actively targeted and harassed prominent female video game bloggers and developers.” 

Birgitta Hosea 

Animation as mindful practice 

Animated landscapes (across media) 

The reanimating of the Digital undead 

Anima/Animus – Chodlodenko (Theoretician) – Animation: The giving of life to and other definitions. 

Mental Modelling (Small scale models in the mind) Constructing animated worlds -A psychological/practice-based perspective. 

William Kentridge – automatic writing 

William Kentridge (On his process and ‘uncertainty’) 

Embodied mind affect in animation/videogames – bisonette (2019) 

Jan svankmayer – 
The ossuary 

The Brothers Quay – In Absentia 

Teresa Kerowski 

Birgitta Hosea (spiritualist) 


Norman Maclaren 

The writer – automaton (bbc4) 



Supernatural’ Special effects in animation (Newtonian Physics) 

Elemental Magic, Volume I: The Art of Special Effects Animation: The Classical Art of Special Effects Animation Paperback – 19 Feb 2009

Earthquakes, volcanoes, lightning, rain, bubbling and spewing lava, bubbling mud, magical fairy dust, dandelion seed pods, glistening water drops on a spider web, ocean waves, steam, snowflakes, leaves and flower petals, magic spells, meteors and swirling galaxies, smoke, spirits, frost, clouds, and countless forms of water splashes, waves, and ripples.

(Majesty of nature/command of nature)

Spooky Action at a distance (Quantum Physics) 

Depictions of nature in Mythopoeic literature (Tarot)


Ruth heholt – supernature and the environment 
(Connects to my interest in the mystification of natural phenomena in animation) 

Haunted landscapes 


Rachel Whiteread – Concretising the marks of a life and death in space 

Ruth Heholt (writer) 

Taking a theme and examining it across media (such as death) is interdisciplinary research without fear of authority and disciplinary dominance. 

Affect and embodied meaning in animation 


Fairytale tourism – projection mapping 


Arthur Findlay College 

Spiritualists National Union 

Lesley Shepherd – Automatic Writing ✍️

Death in the digital age 

Mystification of nature – folklore/myth/oral stories in Brian froud  

Supernatural haptic feedback experiments 

The science of the supernatural (accessed 24/09/19) 

Mythopoeic literature (Tarot) 

Raider-Waite Tarot (Including copyright details) 

Wheel of fortune 

The haunted beach 

VR Narrative 

A supernatural VR Environment for spatial user Rotation

Touchless haptic feedback for supernatural VR Experiences 

Impossible spaces in VR Narrative 

Branching narrative in VR 

The future of visual novels 

Narrative grammar in 360 

Instantaneously punctuated picture-music: Re-evaluating videogame expression through Pilgrim in the Microworld

Map du tendre

Map du tendre 

VR Research 

Emma having her balance tests at Leicester Royal Infirmary (24/09/19) 

Women in supernatural VR Experiences 

Women and autonomy 

Women and agency 

Women and the supernatural 

Women in Videogames 

Seminal texts on Video Games 
Cybertext(Aarseth, 1997)
Narrative as Virtual Reality(Ryan, 2001) 
Hamlet on the Holodeck(Murray, 1997)

Visual effects in Unity 

The Wheel – Masters Final Project 

Decision Process 
Experimental project that revisits a suspended research track and will have  commercial application.

VR Animation – aligns with career objective. 

This is fundamentally a content enquiry as I have previously followed a technical  track and now I have an opportunity to further investigate two suspended  research tracks which are:

1. Can animation represent aspects of quantum mechanics (or as Einstein  put it ‘spooky action at a distance’) 

2.Does drawn animation mystify Nature? 

Super – natural (Ruth Heholt) – peer reviewed 
Gothic Horror (Tanya) – peer reviewed 
    (Birgitta Hosea) – peer reviewed 

GDC Vault – Grey Literature 
Annecy VR Category 

Is this a practice-based trans media investigation of the ‘super-natural’ in Cross Reality (XR – AR/MR/VR) production ?

The Wheel 

This project takes ‘Wheels’ as it’s starting point but it is significantly advanced in terms of narrative and mechanics. This will be rigorously underpinned with relevant research. 

I would like to revisit a suspended branch of my research that explored the mystification of nature in drawn animation. I would like to explore the theme of the ‘super-natural’ in videogames and the experimental animation focusing on the gothic/beautiful and sublime in relation to nature. I will focus my research on  VFX and mythopoetic narrative i

This means that I will develop a virtual world, constructed in paper in which the participant can explore a mythopoetic narrative based on Rider-Waite Tarot card deck and encounter (and control, or not) various ‘mystical’ visual effects based on natural phenomena.

The project experiments with studies of the natural environment acquired in practice-based experimental animation research as applied to a Unity Cinematic VR Project. 

The narrative is yet to be finalised and I will need to structured with a clear objective as I am still thinking about how to structure this. I am considering applying natural form as the basis for this structure. 

To complete this project I will need to conduct a through sweep of academic and grey literature at the intersection between the experimental traditions of animation and video games, focusing on the the mystification of nature (VFX, the visual depiction of Natural Phenomena and mythopoetic narrative) 2015 – 2019 (worldwide). 

I have identified the following two relevant papers as a starting point for this project. 

The Great C’ : Lessons From Creating a 37 Minute Cinematic Narrative 
S, Bosco, S, Miller , L, Van Osch : Secret Location 
GDC Vault Virtual Reality Developers Conference: 18-19 March 2019. 
Accessed 26.09.19

Available on Steam and Oculus

Key Points

Applying this to my project raises the following questions… 

KRZYWINSKA, TANYA. 2017. ‘Gothic American Gaming’. Cambridge University Press.

In this article, Professor Krzywinka begins by defining the unique quality of video games as requiring a players interaction. She focuses on Monstrosity, Otherness and Dislocation In Gothic American games so as to analyse relations between Story, character and game mechanics. 

She begins by using examples from American Gothic Video games to find relations between monstrosity and the monstrous, the objectification of monstrosity in the Other and monstrous locations in which he player feels dislocated. 

The author discusses how the monster can be used to support game play as the player becomes stronger they can fighter stronger monsters and this feeds back as advancement through the game. Although this does not often alter the storyline games such as fable and mass effect series can intense the trajectory of the game. Limiting the players affect on the stolen preserves authorial control of the storyline and reduces production costs.
ProfessorKrzywinkawrites that games take up real world mythological systems and translate them to a ludic agenda, applying a universal realisation of monstrosity. 
She progresses from swarms of monsters, to individualised monster and even the player as monster.

The concept of monstrosity relates to the other as threatening and terrifying, adding that certain people and groups can be ‘othered’ made strange and different as a means to ostracise and marginalise them. 

Finally, author discusses the functionality of gameplay space and how it may impede a players progress through space, acting as antagonist. This is referred to as player versus environment. 


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