Final fixes

I am going to try to divide the project into manageable scenes which may help processing load and performance on the mobile VR device (oculus go). I’ve joined a really nice, supportive discord community called MVR which is a collection of users and developers who are interested in Mobile VR development. This looks like a good place to listen, learn and contribute where I can help others. 

User testing has also highlighted a major user issue which I thought may be okay (I’d played other games that worked in a similar way) but due to motion sickness and play area detection issues, and player safety I need to look at either teleportation or snap turns.

These are the priorities for this weeks development however the following is a list of the final project fixes ideally to be completed this week.

I think using the X-RAY interaction toolkit May solve multiple issues, but I’m not sure until I start using it.

Final Fixes 

🔲  Animated Lunarium Logo clip 
🔲  Tower Door Slide Mechanic 
🔲  Teleportation 🔴
🔲  Coin collect 
🔲  Coin Counter 
🔲  Ball Throw 
🔲  Cut Scene ‘Top Tent’
🔲  Scene Transition  🔴 

🔴 Essential 

Next Steps 

🔲 User Testing 
🔲 Open to wider user testing on Discord Community. 

Final fixes

I am going to try to divide the project into manageable scenes which may help processing load and performance on the mobile VR device (oculus go). I’ve joined a really nice, supportive discord community called MVR which is a collection of users and developers who are interested in Mobile VR development. This looks like a good place to listen, learn and contribute where I can help others. 

User testing has also highlighted a major user issue which I thought may be okay (I’d played other games that worked in a similar way) but due to motion sickness and play area detection issues, and player safety I need to look at either teleportation or snap turns.

These are the priorities for this weeks development however the following is a list of the final project fixes ideally to be completed this week.

I think using the X-RAY interaction toolkit May solve multiple issues, but I’m not sure until I start using it.

Final Fixes 

🔲  Animated Lunarium Logo clip 
🔲  Tower Door Slide Mechanic 
🔲  Teleportation 🔴
🔲  Coin collect 
🔲  Coin Counter 
🔲  Ball Throw 
🔲  Cut Scene ‘Top Tent’
🔲  Scene Transition  🔴 

🔴 Essential 

Next Steps 

🔲 User Testing 
🔲 Open to wider user testing on Discord Community. 

Lunarium Version 53 Fixes

Version 53
Completed Items

✔️ Needs a Lunarium Logo Temp Fix to test – needs editing in photoshop. 

✔️ Player Controller – just needs speed adjusting which is simple. 

✔️ The Danse Macabre music needs to trigger when the skeleton plays.

✔️ poem pieces and arrows are required on the labyrinth walls
✔️  The ringmaster is backface culling and needs fixing.
✔️  The drop through the hole is very quick – what can be done about this? Cut scene, gravity change…

✔️  Ease spiral 
✔️ add low poly paper night garden flowers 

Next Steps 

🔲 Design consent form. 
🔲 Design user questionnaire.  
🔲 complete Oculus/Unity VR training 23 hours 
🔲 The player should be able to collect silver coins as they go around the Lunarium world. I need to create a coin and a coin counter that is not too invasive (doesn’t break the 4th wall).
🔲  add laughter track to labyrinth skeleton (backlog feature) 

🔲   Populate the top tent with a cheering crowd (caution – could potentially overload processing) 
🔲  The main tent needs a cutscene to create a reward half way through the experience (caution – could overload processing) 
🔲  The player should be able to pay the mystic the silver coins to escape – how will this work? 
🔲 check labyrinth build. 

Lunarium Version 53 Fixes

Version 53
Completed Items

✔️ Needs a Lunarium Logo Temp Fix to test – needs editing in photoshop. 

✔️ Player Controller – just needs speed adjusting which is simple. 

✔️ The Danse Macabre music needs to trigger when the skeleton plays.

✔️ poem pieces and arrows are required on the labyrinth walls
✔️  The ringmaster is backface culling and needs fixing.
✔️  The drop through the hole is very quick – what can be done about this? Cut scene, gravity change…

✔️  Ease spiral 
✔️ add low poly paper night garden flowers 

Next Steps 

🔲 Design consent form. 
🔲 Design user questionnaire.  
🔲 complete Oculus/Unity VR training 23 hours 
🔲 The player should be able to collect silver coins as they go around the Lunarium world. I need to create a coin and a coin counter that is not too invasive (doesn’t break the 4th wall).
🔲  add laughter track to labyrinth skeleton (backlog feature) 

🔲   Populate the top tent with a cheering crowd (caution – could potentially overload processing) 
🔲  The main tent needs a cutscene to create a reward half way through the experience (caution – could overload processing) 
🔲  The player should be able to pay the mystic the silver coins to escape – how will this work? 
🔲 check labyrinth build. 

Scented Night Garden redesign and audio edit

The main reason for the glitch seemed to be some geometry which was not properly edged. I’d edited a probuilder pipe as part of the upper Labyrinth and I had missed filling a gap where I’d removed a plane. I know this because I rebuild the wall and the error hasn’t occurred again.  

I also removed all but 2 sections of the night garden and added two pipes which reduced the polycount and processing load.

The redesign also resolved the issue of multiple sharp turns which could potentially make the player feel sick.

I also stopped the music from looping because as much as I like it, i’m pretty sure it could become  irritating after a while!

Although I prefer the original spiral staircase it simply isn’t workable and therefore I will stay with this design until I can build something better. I could look at a larger, wider staircase with less steps and less garden flowers but I’m not sure it would have the same impact.    

Scented Night Garden redesign and audio edit

The main reason for the glitch seemed to be some geometry which was not properly edged. I’d edited a probuilder pipe as part of the upper Labyrinth and I had missed filling a gap where I’d removed a plane. I know this because I rebuild the wall and the error hasn’t occurred again.  

I also removed all but 2 sections of the night garden and added two pipes which reduced the polycount and processing load.

The redesign also resolved the issue of multiple sharp turns which could potentially make the player feel sick.

I also stopped the music from looping because as much as I like it, i’m pretty sure it could become  irritating after a while!

Although I prefer the original spiral staircase it simply isn’t workable and therefore I will stay with this design until I can build something better. I could look at a larger, wider staircase with less steps and less garden flowers but I’m not sure it would have the same impact.    

Scented night garden spiral

I am currently populating the scene with additional objects and have created a scented night garden on the paper spiral.

However I have run into a problem. I think that I’ve reached the mobile VR limit because my app keeps freezing on the oculus store. I am uncertain if its a hardware, software or download speed issue but I’m trying to fix it.

I have run a diagnostic to see if I could better understand the processing issue and I can only really see that the new looped animation and audio have increased the previously low processing load. 

I could try to strip out and simplify the night garden and then upload a new version but I’m unsure if this will work.

I should also look at the looped audio and the wav file.

Submission Links

I am organising my submission files early as a precautionary measure so that should I get ill or have to attend to family matters, I don’t have to worry about my MA submission.

The Unity File that contains the full Lunarium Project is in the Wheels_NEW_39.csproj file.  

This file has been uploaded to GitHub and GoogleDrive

Submission Links: 

Google Drive: All Project files are Only available to Al and Canvas 

Reflective Journal:

Linked In Training:

Research References:


GitHub: Alcwyn Parker is a collaborator

Oculus Store:

Lunarium Webpage:

Sidequest: This might be a useful link if sharing the APK directly if the external examiner hasn’t got access to the oculus store.


It should be noted that the project has been renamed a number of times during the development process. It started life as ‘Wheels’ on GAM730 where it faltered at the player controller stage but was developed regarding branding but excluding the new Lunarium Logo. 

All files named Wheels_NEW were created on GAM750. In this phase I researched wayfinding and environment design for virtual reality. The project was developed for PC as I didn’t have a VR headset at the time. 

I acquired my GearVR headset at Christmas-time and was able to begin developing for mobile VR.    The project was renamed Lunarium in January 2020 and I conducted research and conducted experiments in environment design as well as learning how to best develop for Mobile Vr as opposed to PC. This meant that I had to understand game economy and optimisation for Unity and Oculus. 

In February I had to change my GearVR for an OculusGo as Unity announced that is would no longer be supporting GearVR. This means that I can now upgrade my project to Oculus Quest after I have submitted my project for examination. I did not go to quest because I would have had to submit as proposal document to oculus and I thought this might affect the current access on the Oculus Store (if it aint broke and all that!). 

I will continue to add characters and develop a cut scene for the project over the next few weeks however, to ensure my files are fully accessible and in consideration that I may be unable to submit as planned, I am submitting these links earlier than expected.         

Submission Links

I am organising my submission files early as a precautionary measure so that should I get ill or have to attend to family matters, I don’t have to worry about my MA submission.

The Unity File that contains the full Lunarium Project is in the Wheels_NEW_39.csproj file.  

This file has been uploaded to GitHub and GoogleDrive

Submission Links: 

Google Drive: All Project files are Only available to Al and Canvas 

Reflective Journal:

Linked In Training:

Research References:


GitHub: Alcwyn Parker is a collaborator

Oculus Store:

Lunarium Webpage:

Sidequest: This might be a useful link if sharing the APK directly if the external examiner hasn’t got access to the oculus store.


It should be noted that the project has been renamed a number of times during the development process. It started life as ‘Wheels’ on GAM730 where it faltered at the player controller stage but was developed regarding branding but excluding the new Lunarium Logo. 

All files named Wheels_NEW were created on GAM750. In this phase I researched wayfinding and environment design for virtual reality. The project was developed for PC as I didn’t have a VR headset at the time. 

I acquired my GearVR headset at Christmas-time and was able to begin developing for mobile VR.    The project was renamed Lunarium in January 2020 and I conducted research and conducted experiments in environment design as well as learning how to best develop for Mobile Vr as opposed to PC. This meant that I had to understand game economy and optimisation for Unity and Oculus. 

In February I had to change my GearVR for an OculusGo as Unity announced that is would no longer be supporting GearVR. This means that I can now upgrade my project to Oculus Quest after I have submitted my project for examination. I did not go to quest because I would have had to submit as proposal document to oculus and I thought this might affect the current access on the Oculus Store (if it aint broke and all that!). 

I will continue to add characters and develop a cut scene for the project over the next few weeks however, to ensure my files are fully accessible and in consideration that I may be unable to submit as planned, I am submitting these links earlier than expected.