Visitors enter the grounds of the hall and walk to the fortuneteller tent where they meet the fortuneteller. She invites them to wear a paper constructed headset.
You have traveled far, your feet are aching and your belly is empty. Ahead of you, you glimpse strange pictures that seem to be guarding the entrance to a large dark, ominous house.
As you draw closer, the trees around you begin to sway and swipe, reaching towards they whip your legs as if trying to catch you by the ankles. Your ears are filled with enchanting music that softly leads you onwards.
As you enter the gateway, you see a small tent nestled in a small copse of trees, crouching expectantly. As you walk closer you hear muttering and through the fog you see an old fortune teller. She beckons you closer, a in your head you hear…
You are hungry and so you reach out your hand, sink your teeth into the apple. Slowly feel yourself wrapped in the gentle warm of a soft swath of silky cloth and you fall deep under the fortune tellers spell.
Softly in your ear, you hear:
You awaken to find yourself in a maze, surrounded by tall walls except for two boxes that block your way.