Proposal : Funding Bodies

Innovate U.K. 


Virtual Reality and it’s potential for Europe Report
[Accessed 01/11/19]

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

Creative XR 

CreativeXR gives creative talent the opportunity to experiment with immersive technologies to create new experiences that inspire audiences.

Focused on the creative industries, particularly the arts and culture sector, the programme gives the best creative teams the opportunity to develop concepts and prototypes of immersive content (virtual, augmented and mixed reality).

The programme offers access to early stage finance, facilities, industry leaders and commissioning bodies, and the opportunity to pitch for further development funding.


“Through the programme, we will establish new research and development partnerships that support the definition, design and development of new, creative products and services. Arts and humanities researchers and businesses will work together to make the most of the commercial opportunities and secure the UK’s leading position in the global creative economy.
This is the largest single investment in building partnerships between the UK’s world-class creative industry and universities”.
Digital Catapult 

Digital Catapult is the UK’s leading advanced digital technology innovation centre. We drive early adoption, making UK businesses more competitive and productive, to help grow the UK economy.

We specialise on the three technology programmes where we can make the most impact. These are: future networks, artificial intelligence and immersive. We also explore the areas that have the potential to be a future focus for UK industry as broad enabling technologies necessary for many of our projects. Learn more about these technologies “

“Digital Catapult is passionate about bridging the gap between small businesses, corporations and academia. Depending on who you are and what you do, there are a range of ways you can get involved.”

Arts Council

Holovis & University of Exeter 

Dave Elliott, business development manager at Holovis said (When talking about the VSimulator at The University of Bath), 

“Increasingly, people are living and working in innovative environments where very little is known about the impact of vibrations on their environment. The highly realistic nature of this multisensory environment will give them a true sense of immersion, making them believe they are in that location. Therefore they will subconsciously react to stimuli as they would in the real world. The flexibility of the VSimulators allows for an incredible range of conditions to be simulated, which will really help to advance research and innovation in many sectors.”
Julie Lewis-Thompson, commercial manager for the VSimulators Project, said: 
“There are extensive and diverse areas of commercial and academic interest for the VSimulators research facilities. We have identified 38 industry areas for exploration with interest from an expanding global based clients list, both within industry and academia.”
“There are multiple opportunities for interdisciplinary research including architecture for wellbeingcomputer science, data analytics, the built environment, construction design and human factor responses. These facilities will place the Universities of Exeter and Bath at the forefront of expertise in the use of virtual reality within industry focused research”

The funding bodies I have identified reinforce the link between research and commercial practice,  the feedback loop between academia and industry that strengthens the U.K. Creative Economy while investigating and giving voice to how it feels to live in an advanced technological society. 

My personal practice explores ‘what it means to be human in a technologically advanced, ecologically uncertain world’, I conduct formal experiments that investigate immersion and interaction in natural, Virtual and built spaces and I also have an independent  commercial Transmedia practice.  I am currently restricted by the ability to purchase expensive technologies but I get around this by using simple tools such as pen,  paper, a PC with half decent graphics card (with Maya and Unity installed for sole use), a Mac, various iOS and android devices for testing  and low cost VR Headset. I believe that the lack of funds should not stop the development of creative concept however recieving financial support while having access to creative communities of practice in industry and academia is enormously valuable. 
I need to now clearly and transparently set out how I would use funding in my current project to progress it past to the prototype stage of development. 
My feeling is that I can currently deliver my project to a certain stage as I could package and publish the project as a slice, a MVP. I could also launch it on my research webpage, google experimental VR forum and look to enter it into Annecy VR Category. However, the funding would be more fully realised the concept which is aligned to the project ‘Manifold Garden’. This project took two and a half years to complete as a creative-coder design and development team and so my full concept will need to be scaled back to be achieved in 20 weeks using my current skillset and access to tools. 

I also think that the disconnection between research industry based audiences could be bridged with careful thought. I am applying discovering made in my experimental research practice to my commercial practice at this time and so I have a platform to present this, but I must be careful not to alienate either audience. For example, I have successfully applied the FPC to my gothic horror 

circus VR App. This was presented on my site but was transferred to an anonymous commercial site because of the tension between the academic and industry audience. 

In light of my funding research I may transfer projects back to Sarra.Tv. 

The question I am asking.. do I want to knock on the door of Academia or Industry? Both have pro’s and cons… 

Proposal : Funding Bodies

Innovate U.K. 


Virtual Reality and it’s potential for Europe Report
[Accessed 01/11/19]

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

Creative XR 

CreativeXR gives creative talent the opportunity to experiment with immersive technologies to create new experiences that inspire audiences.

Focused on the creative industries, particularly the arts and culture sector, the programme gives the best creative teams the opportunity to develop concepts and prototypes of immersive content (virtual, augmented and mixed reality).

The programme offers access to early stage finance, facilities, industry leaders and commissioning bodies, and the opportunity to pitch for further development funding.


“Through the programme, we will establish new research and development partnerships that support the definition, design and development of new, creative products and services. Arts and humanities researchers and businesses will work together to make the most of the commercial opportunities and secure the UK’s leading position in the global creative economy.
This is the largest single investment in building partnerships between the UK’s world-class creative industry and universities”.
Digital Catapult 

Digital Catapult is the UK’s leading advanced digital technology innovation centre. We drive early adoption, making UK businesses more competitive and productive, to help grow the UK economy.

We specialise on the three technology programmes where we can make the most impact. These are: future networks, artificial intelligence and immersive. We also explore the areas that have the potential to be a future focus for UK industry as broad enabling technologies necessary for many of our projects. Learn more about these technologies “

“Digital Catapult is passionate about bridging the gap between small businesses, corporations and academia. Depending on who you are and what you do, there are a range of ways you can get involved.”

Arts Council

Holovis & University of Exeter 

Dave Elliott, business development manager at Holovis said (When talking about the VSimulator at The University of Bath), 

“Increasingly, people are living and working in innovative environments where very little is known about the impact of vibrations on their environment. The highly realistic nature of this multisensory environment will give them a true sense of immersion, making them believe they are in that location. Therefore they will subconsciously react to stimuli as they would in the real world. The flexibility of the VSimulators allows for an incredible range of conditions to be simulated, which will really help to advance research and innovation in many sectors.”
Julie Lewis-Thompson, commercial manager for the VSimulators Project, said: 
“There are extensive and diverse areas of commercial and academic interest for the VSimulators research facilities. We have identified 38 industry areas for exploration with interest from an expanding global based clients list, both within industry and academia.”
“There are multiple opportunities for interdisciplinary research including architecture for wellbeingcomputer science, data analytics, the built environment, construction design and human factor responses. These facilities will place the Universities of Exeter and Bath at the forefront of expertise in the use of virtual reality within industry focused research”

The funding bodies I have identified reinforce the link between research and commercial practice,  the feedback loop between academia and industry that strengthens the U.K. Creative Economy while investigating and giving voice to how it feels to live in an advanced technological society. 

My personal practice explores ‘what it means to be human in a technologically advanced, ecologically uncertain world’, I conduct formal experiments that investigate immersion and interaction in natural, Virtual and built spaces and I also have an independent  commercial Transmedia practice.  I am currently restricted by the ability to purchase expensive technologies but I get around this by using simple tools such as pen,  paper, a PC with half decent graphics card (with Maya and Unity installed for sole use), a Mac, various iOS and android devices for testing  and low cost VR Headset. I believe that the lack of funds should not stop the development of creative concept however recieving financial support while having access to creative communities of practice in industry and academia is enormously valuable. 
I need to now clearly and transparently set out how I would use funding in my current project to progress it past to the prototype stage of development. 
My feeling is that I can currently deliver my project to a certain stage as I could package and publish the project as a slice, a MVP. I could also launch it on my research webpage, google experimental VR forum and look to enter it into Annecy VR Category. However, the funding would be more fully realised the concept which is aligned to the project ‘Manifold Garden’. This project took two and a half years to complete as a creative-coder design and development team and so my full concept will need to be scaled back to be achieved in 20 weeks using my current skillset and access to tools. 

I also think that the disconnection between research industry based audiences could be bridged with careful thought. I am applying discovering made in my experimental research practice to my commercial practice at this time and so I have a platform to present this, but I must be careful not to alienate either audience. For example, I have successfully applied the FPC to my gothic horror 

circus VR App. This was presented on my site but was transferred to an anonymous commercial site because of the tension between the academic and industry audience. 

In light of my funding research I may transfer projects back to Sarra.Tv. 

The question I am asking.. do I want to knock on the door of Academia or Industry? Both have pro’s and cons…