Sprint 1: Review – Envisioning

Sprint 1 – Envisioning


Design & Develop a VR Narrative Game and Headset to promote and add value to Neville Holt Hall and Opera Annual Family Halloween Event for the David Ross Foundation. 



1) Client: David Ross Foundation

  • Needs
  • Benefits 

2) Market Research

  • Gothic Horror Circus/Fairground Google Play/Apple App Store 
  • WebXR Apps
  • Google Experimental VR Apps 
  • itch.io  

3) Theory (Academic & Grey Literature)

  • VR Production (Case Study)
  • VR Best Practice
  • VR Wayfinding & Directing Attention 
  • Narrative Games 
  • Ergodic Literature
  • Gaze Control
  • Technical Innovation

5) Practical Experimentation

  • First Person Controller 
  • Directing attention through Lighting
  • Using Gravity as a narrative device 
  • Modelling using Pro Builder 

Rough Sketches

  • Design 
  • Mechanics


  • Wheels Poem and Midnight Summers Dream as references.
  • Structured as linear semi-interactive narrative game.
  • Ergodic Literature Research 


User Testing: Observation & semistructured interviews
Test Analysis:

Sprint 1: Review – Envisioning

Sprint 1 – Envisioning


Design & Develop a VR Narrative Game and Headset to promote and add value to Neville Holt Hall and Opera Annual Family Halloween Event for the David Ross Foundation. 



1) Client: David Ross Foundation

  • Needs
  • Benefits 

2) Market Research

  • Gothic Horror Circus/Fairground Google Play/Apple App Store 
  • WebXR Apps
  • Google Experimental VR Apps 
  • itch.io  

3) Theory (Academic & Grey Literature)

  • VR Production (Case Study)
  • VR Best Practice
  • VR Wayfinding & Directing Attention 
  • Narrative Games 
  • Ergodic Literature
  • Gaze Control
  • Technical Innovation

5) Practical Experimentation

  • First Person Controller 
  • Directing attention through Lighting
  • Using Gravity as a narrative device 
  • Modelling using Pro Builder 

Rough Sketches

  • Design 
  • Mechanics


  • Wheels Poem and Midnight Summers Dream as references.
  • Structured as linear semi-interactive narrative game.
  • Ergodic Literature Research 


User Testing: Observation & semistructured interviews
Test Analysis: