Several points were highlighted from the following text and I would now like to explore certain key points in my experimental practice.
S, Bosco, S, Miller , L, Van Osch (2019) The Great C’ : Lessons From Creating a 37 Minute Cinematic Narrative
[Accessed 26.09.19]
Key Points
- Use lighting as a narrative tool and do this early in production by using a white box scene.
- Use colour graduation through scenes to indicate the journey through the narrative.
- Use particles as ambient effects such as fog help to construct a grounded volumetric space.
- How will I use Light ? Will I use it to create volumetric space and direct the participant?
- How will I use particle physics? (The work of Lotte Reinigers layered papers technique may be worth experimenting with).
- How will I use natural elements such as fire, ice, wind effects etc?
Over the next week I intend to experiment in Unity as explore and experiment with techniques to direct attention in VR Narrative.
The areas of interest are:
- Lighting
- Colour
- Material
- Motion
- Effects
- Sound
- Something else…
I hope to evaluate how success each experiment is in gaining the participants attention to the object. Once I have done this I hope to test this aspect on a number of willing user testers.